Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Last week of February

This may be my favorite sets of photos so far. They're pretty much all a view of my feet. I'm giving you all a feeling of what it's like to be in my shoes. Enjoy!

On the 24th, it decided to rainy really hard for about 30 minutes. Then it got really windy. Just long enough to dirty every car that wasn't in a garage. Oh Texas weather...

Oh man, the 25th was the best. I got a pedi at the spa at my gym. They went all out with lavender scrubs, oil massages, and stop-sign-red nail polish.

I opened on the 26th and got off at 6pm. All I could do when I got off was slip into pjs and vegetate. The mr put on Daybreakers. Not a bad movie.

Ugh, the 27th. Inventory night at my store. I got there at 4pm and found out that only two employees showed from the company we hired to do the counting. What should've taken 8 hours, took a whopping 17 hours. My shift: 4pm-9am. Stayed up for 24 hours that day.

The 28th is a photo of me trying to get comfortable in the couches at work. I was hungry, tired and cold. I was not a happy camper.

So that was my February. It was a really lovely month. Lots of shopping and pretty, new things. Lots of family and friend times and strange weather. And lounging whenever possible.

I can't wait to see what happens in March. Things to look forward to: first concert this year, my bday celebration, bday weekend getaway, my vacation back home, and hanging out with both my brother and sister for the first time in a year and a half. I can not wait!!

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