Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm 27.

Yes, it finally arrived, and not a moment too soon. Happy birthday to me!

This was the first time I didn't request my birthday day off, but I was all partied out by the time it arrived, I had no problem working. And it turned out to be a really great day.

The calls I received: My mom thought it'd be awesome to call me super early and sing me happy birthday (although really cute, it was too early to truly enjoy). My dad was awesome enough to text me to ask if I was awake before he called (very thankful for that). I got a phone call from my sister while at work. Our conversation consisted of random words, whoops, and whinnies (really good times). I also got a sweet voicemail from my older brother before he had to go to work. I love my family!

The kind jesters I received; A couple of my associates from work were super sweet and surprised me with birthday cupcakes and a singing birthday card. My kids are the coolest. I also received 42 kind birthday wishes on the good ol' facebook wall. Thanks for the recognition peeps! Starbucks gave me a free drink of my choosing. Thank you very much for the venti soy misto! I also received a plethora of texts from family and friends. And my pretty little cousin handmade me a birthday card and drove 30 minutes with a friend to hand deliver it to my store. I felt loved.

As for the rest of the day: The mr is not much for surprises, but he's great at doing what I ask. I told him how I wanted to night to go, and he did an awesome job at making it happen. All I wanted was to have a night in and to overeat. And that's what happened.

Phil ordered a pizza for dinner--half spinach, tomatoes, and mushrooms for me, half sausage and onion for the mr. I'd been really craving the carbs and calories of a pizza lately. He brought home a couple bottles of red wine--not all to be had that night. He also bought me a pretty bouquet of roses. It was an awesome night in. We watched a movie, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't finish my half of the pizza. It was tasty.

He actually did end up surprising me. It wouldn't be a birthday without a birthday cake. And though it may not have been a traditional cake, it completed my night. He got a couple lava cakes with a candle in one.

It may seem cheesy to some, but it's the little things in life that make me smile.

love and light.


  1. Happy Belated! I found you from Pie N the sky. Cute blog. Plan to start following. :-)

  2. Thank you Melanie! You're too kind ^_^
