Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Best day this year--so far

Today I took the time to have a "take care of me day." It's been awhile since I've had the time to pamper myself.

My day started with a trip to the chiropractor. Last year, I bought a Groupon for a $9 consultation and treatment--what a freakin steal. I have pretty bad lower back pains brought on, probably, from the past three years of standing for 9-10 hours in flip flops at work. I thought a visit to a chiropractor would help.

It was an interesting experience. After the rather long consultation, I was hooked up with some electrodes to my lower back. It felt super good--like having my muscles pulled. But, the part I was most excited about, the cracking and popping, though, turned out to be short and pointless. The doctor twisted me left and twisted me right...and that was it.  Said he'd charge me $30 if I wanted to come back. It was a great $9 experience, but I'm leaving it at that.

After my appointment I went to the Domain--Austin's fancy outdoor mall. The day was absolutely beautiful, so I had no problem perusing Tiffany, Free People, Zara and Anthropology. I made a small purchase at Anthro--two super cute bowls and a coffee cup with my initial. It made me smile.

My next appointment was at noon. I had my weekly allergy cluster shots. I'm now one appointment away from my highest dose of cedar, dust mites and sea food, so hopefully soon I'll be able to stop relying on antihistamines so much during this season.  I got a lot of reading done during my two hour visit, too.

I had an hour to kill before my last appointment--the acupuncturist; another Groupon purchase. I stopped off at Central Market for a healthy quick bite to eat. Lunch was a tomato, mozzarella and pesto sandwich with pepper and sea salt chips. I ate outside to enjoy the wonderful weather, and fit in a little bit more reading.

On a full belly, I made my way to my next appointment. I love going to the acupuncturist. The first/last time I went I felt like I was on cloud nine for a week! My mood and energy had changed; I smiled every night as I closed my eyes to sleep. It was wild.

I expected nothing less from this visit, and I was right. I told the doctor I have hip and lower back pains, stress too much, and have a bad sleep pattern. He poked me with a bunch of pins and I could not fight the urge to fall instantly asleep. I woke up an hour later when he walked back into the room to remove the pins. I jumped off that table feeling like a new me.

I came straight home and what should've only been 30 minutes, turned into a 3 hour nap. It spoiled my plan to go to the gym, but I'm not complaining. I made a quick stop at the market down the street for wine, pedicure tools and a movie.

I'm wrapping up my night with a tasty salad and cottage cheese with a glass of red wine. I rented One Day with Jim Sturgess, who I have a massive crush on, and Anne Hathaway--I read part of the book last year and thought it'd be a cute chick flick to watch while the mr is out playing poker. I'm also gonna fit a pedi into my night at some point.

Best day this year--so far.

Love and light.

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