Thursday, September 8, 2011

Yikes! August is gone. Project 334

I know, we're already a week into September and I'm just now finishing up August. I'm way behind; Sorry! But here's a lovely wrap up of my August.

Monday the 22nd was a lovely day. After work, I typically head home to destress, but it was a beautiful day out and had to head to the gym for a quick workout and to lay out by the pool. It was an awesome way to end my monday.

After work on the 23rd, I was craving some tasty food. I made brown rice with bell peppers and meatless beef tips for dinner. It was accompanied with a lovely glass of red wine. Mmm!

Yay for days off! On Wednesday the 24th, the mr and I filled our cupboards with tasty food. Every time we stock up, I try to make a delicious dish. I chose to make "sweet plantains." I forgot how giant plantains are! The dish was a success.

Are you aware at how horribly hot it's been in Austin? For the past 80+ days, the highs have been anywhere from 100 to 112 degrees. Needless to say, it sucks to be outside. Before work Reni begged me to go out--instantly she regretted it. Madi and I watched as she meowed to come back in.

Friday the 26th, I ate veggie stew for lunch. I made the stew Thursday after work. Let it cook over night. It was perfect by the time I had to go to work. Crock pot foods are easy and delish.

Saturday morning I'd woken up a little late and didn't have time to get a lunch made. I threw a bell pepper, avocado and hummus into my lunch box. Turned out to be a rather filling and flavorful meal.

I love Sundays! I had the day off--slept in, gym, and dinner. I held a small dinner party for the mr and his friends. The mr's friends were moving from being 3 minutes away from us to being 25-30 minutes away. I went all out with a 3 course meal. Made bacon wrapped jalapenos, tofu and spinach stuffed shells, and banana pudding. All made from scratch.

After work on Monday the 29th I made a stop at Central Market for all the goodies they had to offer for Hatch Green Chili Fest. I went all out. Along with green chili, I also got tortillas, jack cheese, scones, pesto and apple pie--all with yummy green chili in it.

Tuesday the 30th I worked 7am-5pm. Long day! As soon as I got home, all I wanted to do was take my contacts out and veg. So I did. The mr made me dinner and got me a glass of wine while I relaxed on the couch. Good ending to the day.

Wednesday the 31st was my day off. You know the routine: sleeping in, gym, food (sgf). Wednesdays had become a routine to get together with my friend Chris and do a little venting about work. We went to happy hour at Serranos where they have the best hh: $1.50 apps and $2.50 margaritas. Yes please!

So there you have it folks! I had a wonderful August and can't wait to see what September brings. I have my second wedding to attend(!), a mini vacation and inventory. Pictures soon to come.

Love and light.

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