Sunday, September 11, 2011

He-Men: Real-life good guys: The Go-getter

World, I'm excited to introduce to you, my good friend, Gabe Morrison. I met Gabe my sophomore year in college. He was a new bartender at the restaurant I worked at, and we found out we had TONS in common. We were inseparable--at least until I found a boyfriend and he found his dream girl. He taught me so much about love, friendship, and life in general. He's a good guy who accomplishes everything he sets his mind to.

1. What is your story--a brief background of yourself?
I was born and raised in the NM desert. My childhood was spent on a bike, chasing a soccer ball, or destroying tiny worlds with my pal, GI Joe. I ate dog food for a while cause i thought nothin could be cooler than being a dog until I discovered pizza. I had a great family of six that taught me how to laugh and be patient. If my background was trimmed to a tweet or chirp, here is what it would look like: love, cello, sweat, camping, guitar, dogs, run, tears, green chili, God, baseball, king, sing, O.B. (office bear), surgery, dust, 14, theater, Amanda, laugh, Graceland, vans, mountains, team, Michael, lessons, forts, stars, peace, balance. 

2. What/who motivates you daily?
The idea of "deliberate creation" is my motivation. I believe we can create a reality of abundance and well being. Too many days have passed that I am not actively creating the life I know is possible. I realized people are like a dry good with an smeared expiration date. I better enjoy this can of beans while I have it. My brother, Michael, was one damn good can of beans and showed me how important this life is. Also, there are too many wonderful things this world has to offer that I have not yet experienced. I am always deliberately expanding to the next best version of myself. 

3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
When I was young, for one of my birthdays, my parents brought in a huge dump-truck full of dirt and dumped it in our backyard! It was probably for my Dad's gardening, but for a few days, it was my dirt kingdom and I was wearing the mud crown! I climbed, dug, and rolled around with my toy trucks and it was great!

4. What is your biggest accomplishment?
After four knee surgeries, hobbling on crutches totaling over a year, and being told I'd never run or play soccer again... I am just as fast as ever. Well, I havent timed myself, but you get the point. I am very proud of myself for staying strong and positive through those years and am now more grateful for every stride.    

5. If you could be anyone for a day, who would you be?
If I could be anyone for a day, I'd be Paul McCartney, Paul Simon, or Freddie Mercury. AHHHHHHH! I would sing all 24 hours! Please... can this happen? Is there a person swap pill vitamin? I'll swallow it without water... RIGHT NOW! ummm- nothings happening, is this some kind of joke? I'll settle for stealing their voice like in Little Mermaid. Ursula? Let me guess... she's made up too?!?!?

6. When was the last time you cried?
Last week I probably cried. Not like streaming down my face, but a little well-up, sure. I cry when I am listening to some awesome songs (recently Adele), watching a play or movie, thinking of my brother while I work out, or from laughing too hard (weekly in my improv groups). Real men can shed some tears!

7. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In ten years, I'll be married to my lovely girlfriend, Zen. We will probably have some kids. We will own a beautiful house with my own studio space and pool with a garden and some chickens. I'll be making plenty of money with acting/improv/voice over. I will be onto my second successful invention. I'll be filming some fun big projects with my friends. Working out, swimming, running. Maybe triathlons? More hiking and camping! More hammock time! I will be very happy and sharing my gifts and joy with others around me. I will be helping my community. I plan on having Paul Simon's singing voice! My relationships will be abundant and fulfilling. Oh man, that sounds awesome! 

8. What makes you unique? 
I am a person with an endless amount of passions! My interests seem never ending. Some of these would include singing, cello, guitar, cooking, hiking, acting, swimming, running, camping, improv, and hammocking on the beach. There is always something I am diving into. I consider myself extremely loving, joyful, and enthusiastic. I have pretty good advice for friends. I'm sort of known for my great hugs. "Deliberate Creation" is a pretty unique philosophy. I have a "heart statement" I'd like to share that I used to say hundreds of times a day. I highly recommend everyone make one up for themselves. Here is one that has served me well:

My name is Gabe. I am loving, joyful, smart, healthy and happy. I am sharing my light with the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I think it's so cool that you two are really good friends. Some of my best friends are guys.
