Thursday, February 2, 2012

Bingo Night

Since I'm now able to hang out with my assistant managers (now that they aren't my subordinates), Marisa and I found it necessary to seize this opportunity. She picked me up after work and took me to bingo! She was an avid player in her hometown and just found the one bingo hall in Austin that's smoke free. I've never actually played the game for money, so I was super excited to go.

No, bingo is not an old person's game. Surprisingly enough, we weren't the only "young" people there. I was a bit intimidated though with all the bingo lingo going on. I had to keep asking what was going on in between games.

We didn't win anything, but I came super close to winning a $300 jackpot.

After bingo, Marisa took me to the Starbucks where she camped outside of during their opening to get a drink card for 100 free grande drinks. She treated me to a carmel apple spice.

Since we were out and about, we also went to Walmart. Not just any Walmart; this one in particular was clean, crowd-free and shopped by attractive looking people. She always told me about it, but it was hard to believe. I was truly amazed.

We were heading back to my car when we decided we'd round off bingo night, which randomly turned into a girl date night, with a nightcap at her favorite bar, Fore. A couple friends of hers were there and bought us a round of drinks for being the only female patrons. Conversation was going so well, we ended up closing down the bar.

Bingo night was a success, and I'm excited I can finally be friends with my (ex)coworkers!

Love and light.

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