Sunday, October 2, 2011

Project 334: All of September

OK! September flew by so quickly, I didn't have time to post but one week of my Project 334. It was by far my favorite month thus far. It was just so eventful! He's a super quick look at what my month looked like.
8th Painted my nails
9th Went to San Antonio
10th Went to a wedding
11th Tackled a 3lb cinnamon roll
12th Needed coffee to survive
13th Cycling class
14th Went to H&M
15th Visited my sister in Waxa.
16th Drove back to Austin
17th Almost rained
18th Got sick
19th Charlie Sheen roast
20th Two perfect 5 secret shops
21st Paid off my car!!!
22nd Relaxed with the mr
23rd Given beautiful china
24th Cut my own bangs
25th 12 hour inventory
26th "Eternal Optimist" nail polish
27th Train with SMs and dinner
28th Got a mean note on my car
29th Made the perfect omelet
30th Ate 3 giant meals

Yes, October is starting off with a week of vacation. Today's the first full day, and I've loved every minute of it. October tends to be my favorite month of the year, what with all the scary movies and Fall weather. Hopefully, it'll hold up to its' potential and not cave under the pressure. I hope everyone's September brought great moments. Here's to October!

Love and light.


  1. So glad you had a great month, September was pretty good for me too but I'm so excited for October, it's my favorite month.


  2. your month looks absolutely perfect girl! loving all of the pictures!
    xo TJ

  3. Love love love this idea! So glad you had a fun month!
