Saturday, January 8, 2011

Here's to 2011

So, here we are. Seven days into the new year, and I'm just now writing about my resolutions and celebration.

I rang in the year very peacefully. I spent the eve cleaning out my apartment. It took the whole day, but I loaded nine trash bags and a tv into my car and, with a huge smile on my face, took them all to Goodwill. The guys helping me unload my car were excited and I think impressed that I had so much to get rid of. It was cleansing to clean out my closets of old clothes and unneeded stuff.

For an evening celebration, the mr and I had a lovely italian dinner and came home to watch netflix movies. He had a small case of death so we decided against going crazy downtown. We paused our film five minutes til and celebrated with half a glass of classy Andre champagne. We fell asleep shortly after. I hope our lack of luster isn't a reflexion of how the year will turn out.

I've finally decided on some resolutions too.
1. I'm determined to pay off my car by September. That means it only took three and a half years to do so.
2. Going to yoga classes at least twice a week. Not only does it make me feel good all over, it also relieves a crazy amount of stress.
3. I also want to seek out greater opportunities in life--whatever and whichever company they may lead me to.
4. I'd like to go on a mission trip this year. Egypt was my last mission and that was two years ago. I want let God lead me anywhere he wants me to be.
5. Read more books! I already finished one this year and have five more in mind to read.

That'll do it.
Nothing too difficult to complete. It'll take care of my mind, body and soul--and finances. But I hope that I'm not the only one able to complete my resolutions this year. I wish you all luck out there, and love and light in your lives.

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