I haven't posted in over a month now. Strangely, it's been a crazy time. The month's been filled with a small cold, an assistant manager quitting, an assistant manager moving, the gaining of an assistant manager and a manager in training. Eeps!

To put the stress at ease, my mama came to visit me for a week, from NM. I hadn't seen my mom in seven months--since our birthdays in March. It was so great having her around.
Mom got here on a Tuesday night. It was pretty late so we went to bed shortly after she arrived. I had Wednesday off, and was awakened by breakfast in bed--eggs and enchiladas (yes, I'm mexican). We attempted to be lazy, but mom wanted to go and do.
So, I took her to my gym (Lifetime Fitness). I wanted to have her do yoga with me, but instead we sat in the hot tub and steam room. It was like a little spa retreat. She loved it. Afterwards, I took mom to Driftwood Vineyard. I'm a wine member there and had to pick up some wine. Plus, I knew she would love the drive and the view at the vineyard.

We got a free wine tasting of six wines. Mom fell in love with the Viognier and ended up getting two bottles of it and one bottle of my favorite, Orange Muscat. It was nearing dinner time and were given a suggestion of the Mandola vineyard's restaurant Trattoria Lisina. Of course we took the recommendation.

We were so glad we did. It was incredible! We each had a glass of pinot noir. Mom had a delicious plate with shrimp, cheese and squid ink. My plate so flavorful. It was fettucini with eggplant, pine nuts and tomatoes. We were both in heaven--both our tummies were full of tasty wine and pasta, but mom insisted on sharing tiramisu, and I wasn't about to deny mom anything on her vacation. It was a wonderful dinner and perfect day.

I had to work on Thursday morning. When I got off of work, I came home to a completely clean home. Mom spent the day scrubbing and vacuuming. It felt good to come home and not have to worry about picking up. The place looked awesome and several more of the move boxes were unpacked. Mom and I ate Dog Almighty for dinner. She loved it. After dinner we watched Babies on Netflix. It's an adorable movie and sorta kinda makes me want babies--sort of.

Friday morning we went to Target. Mom wanted to get me something for my apartment. She ended up redoing my entire bathroom and getting me a new duvet cover. Silly lady spoils me.
Saturday was my favorite day. Since my sister and I won't be able to go home for Thanksgiving, my mom planned a Thanksgiving dinner for us. I worked in the morning, and around 1pm my little sister and mom stopped by my store. It made my day go by quicker. I came home to my mom, sister, bf and my buddy Channon, with a turkey cooking in the oven.
Though I didn't partake in the turkey eating, the sides we delicious! All the good fixings were enjoyed: green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, yams, stuffing and of course pumpkin pie for dessert. Ugh! I definitely gained weight that day.

We all slept in on Sunday. Phil went to his buddy's place to watch football and mom, lis (my sis) and I spent the day relaxing and putting up decorations. For an afternoon snack, I took the ladies to Mozart's. Lis went home in the afternoon and mom and I went to the movies to see the Hereafter. It wasn't the greatest movie, but I was nice hanging out with my mom.

Mom left super early Monday morning. I got up to say goodbye. She got home safely--9 hours later. It was difficult getting back in to the normal groove. I got used to waking up to breakfast and coming home to a clean home with dinner ready. Oh my mama, I love her. She's a great and loving lady.